The Roommate Treaty

Situational Comedy Sketch show based on the treaties between the Canadian government and Indigenous people. Two Blackfoot brothers each navigate living with white guys, and historical enemies the Cree.

Andrew. Shelby. Stevie-Ray. Colby

coming soon! has yet to premiere

  • Sitcom

    Based on the treaties between the Canadian Government and Indigenous people. One Blackfoot Brother has moved back home to Vancouver and is now living with someone who is ignorant to the plight of Indigenous people. The other brother just moved in with a traditional enemy of the Blackfoot people, a Cree man. They survive the only way they know how, by signing a treaty.

  • Sketch show

    The Sitcom is broken up by commercial breaks featuring advertisements in the wacky Roommate Treaty Universe. Law ads, alcohol ads, new inventions & much more!


The roommates

  • Colton Cardinal

    Filmmaker from Saddle lake Cree Nation. Grew up in Calgary Alberta. Attended the Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Program at Capilano University in North Vancouver, BC. Co-Creator of The Roommate Treaty. Portrays Colby Creek in the series.



    Scared of birds

  • Shelby Strangling Wolf

    From the Blood Tribe, Grew up in Lethbridge Alberta. Attended the Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Program at Capilano University. Co-Creator of The Roommate Treaty. Portrays Shelby Punching Bear in the series.



    Afraid of worms

  • Stevie-Ray Strangling Wolf

    Blood Tribe and Lethbridge Alberta, Blackfoot Territory. Attended the Indigenous Digital Filmmaking Program at Capilano University. Co-Creator of The Roommate Treaty. Portrays Stevie-Ray Punching Bear in the series.



    Skeeved out by spiders

  • Andrew Parsons

    Grew up in Surrey BC & Nobleford Alberta. Caucasian supporter and best friend. Journeyman Welder and Actor. Portrays Andrew Parsnip alongside his real life twin brother Adam Parsons as Adam Parsnip.

    6’3” / 6’2.5”

    180lbs / 175lbs

    Hates Snakes / Has a Snake

  • A cut above the rest

  • Killing it.

  • Growing boys

  • Colby Creek

  • Shelby & Stevie-Ray Punching Bear

  • Andrew Parsnip


Screen grabs